Brazil is a country that is known for its football,capoeira and the carnival of Rio De Janeiro..But every sick mind in the underground metal scene knows about the Black Metal Hordes from Brazil.The country of Sarcofago,Osculum Infame,Sextrash,Volcano and many many more.Almighty Emperor is one of the new Hordes that appeared to spread panic and Destruction...Keep The Black Flame Alive Brothers!!!
HC:Since you have formed in 2003 I would like to learn some things about your Horde.
R: Infernals warrior!!! The black essence it’s presents at this days... Well my friend, the Almighty Emperor black metal horde was formed in the end of 2003 e.v. by me, Deoarsprofanum, guitarist and vocalist of this infernal orchestra for spread the chaos, terror, hatred, antichristianism and our fight against the hypocrisy. Join to the horde in the beginning of 2004, Lord Blasphemy and Obscurium, for initiate the first rehearsals. But Lord Blasphemy can’t continue in the march in some weeks and Alastor substituted him for give continuation of work. In the final of 2005, we recorded our first artefact called “At Battlefields of the Abyssal Realm” that was released in tape format in April of 2006 by Diabolous Productions (BOL) and a special edition in February of 2007 by Battle Hymn Records (USA). Nowadays, we preparing for record our first full-length that will be called “Division 666 – Darkest Rebel Alliance” and will be release in this year of 2007.
HC:So far you have two demo releases (if I am right). Do you have plans to record a future release? A new demo or a new ep?
R: Yes, we have two demo tapes, one released by Diabolous Productions of Bolivia in 2006 and other with the same material but it’s two new songs as bonus tracks that it’s was released by Battle Hymn Records of USA in 2007. And yes, we have plans for record our first full-length in this month of April and release in this year. This new material will be called “Division 666 – Darkest Rebel Alliance” and it’s contains 8 (eight) tracks of the most obscure and brutal black metal.
HC:Brazilian scene is very respected by the underground. Especially for it's thrash/black scene and Almighty Emperor is part of it. How is the black/thrash scene of Brazil going nowadays? Are there any new respectful hordes?
R: First, thanks by the comments about our scene. We of the Brazilian scene have very good hordes that make a good work with conviction and professionalism. We have great hordes as Sepultura, Krisiun, Sarcfago, Unearthly, Murder Rape, Darkest Hate Warfront, Coldblood, Satanic Christ, Impacto Profano, Anax, Ocultan, and very others hordes that I don’t remember at this moment. We have a lot of gigs and the people are going to these events for cult the black metal and the bestiality of the true hordes. We hope play in these gigs with more hordes of the South America.
How can you describe your music without using any musical terms?
R: Pure brutality, blasphemy without limits and total support to war against the religions that destroy the spiritual and scientific evolution of the humans. Our message is very obscure and evil...
HC:As I saw at your pictures you are using corpse paint (something that I'm doing too in my black metal bands). You think that corpse-paint is something binded with black metal or do you believe that it is the mirror of your Inner self?
R: Yeah, The corpse-paint reveal the monstrous warrior that it’s be prepare for battle, reveal our anger, our unknown interior in this reality. For me black metal must be using corpse-paint. This is a war paint and our real face.
HC:Let's talk about your lyrical theme. Which are the things that inspire you to write lyrics? What is your lyrical theme?
R: Antichristianism, Satanism, Death, War, Occultism, Anger and Dark Times History…
HC:Have you ever done live performances?
R: We make a some gigs in the last year, in the cities of Vila Velha and Rio de Janeiro, both cities from Brazil. At the moment we don’t make shows because we are concentrate in the recordings of the full length, but will be back with the gigs in the second semester of this year after the recordings. We can play in the follow cities: Vitria/July, Rio de Janeiro/July, So Paulo/August and two gigs in Duque de Caxias/October (all cities from Brazil, but we’ll need of the certain of the organization). We’re invited for make a mini-tour in some countries of South America as Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil but we are talking with the managers about the possibility.
HC:Which are your Horde's influences?
R: We are trying playing in a original and professional form but can fell some influences of great names of the underground scene and some hordes that we like of listen as Immortal, Behemoth, Marduk, maybe something of Bathory and Darkthrone…
You have an excellent artwork. As I already know this artwork is the re-release of Battle Hymn records. What was your first artwork?
R: Thanks by the comments. My first artwork was the cd demo of the Escrfula horde (a brazilian death/black metal horde), it’s a simple work, but after I make some flyers and websites of some hordes too. My next work will be the full length called “Division 666 – Darkest Rebel Alliance”. It’s will be an infernal artwork!
How did you get in contact with Battle Hymn Records (Reminds me the great first Lp of Manowar :P). Are you satisfied with their support?
R: I very satisfied with their work; they are support the horde in a lot of aspects as distribution, promotion of the horde. Your represent called JMc, enter in contact with us and make a proposal of release a new material, but as We don’t begin to record, I proposal a re-release our last material with two bonus tracks for distribution in the USA, Canada, Mexico and some countries in Europe. We can release a future full length by Battle Hymn Records. They make an excellent work.
Rotting Christ in their last live performance in Brazil played only songs from their black metalAlbums. That makes me thing that at least 90% of the Brazilian black metal audience are true Unholy Fanatics Black metal maniacs. Is that true?
R: Yes. The Brazilian scene have in yours 90% of your public as Fanatics Black Metal Maniacs. I don’t went in the Rotting Christ’ show, but I believe that it’s true.
HC:Thanx for your time Brothers. Say something for the end.
R: First, I like to thank you, black warrior for give us a space for tell a little of Almighty Emperor and our histories and plans. For the people, the same message forever: Keep the luciferian flames always lift because the true march never stops… STAY DARK AND BRUTAL!!!
AVE LUCIFER REX!!! Deoarsprofanum & Almighty Emperor horde
www.almightyemperor.cjb.net or www.myspace.com/almightyemperorhorde/
Thanks for your support
Interview By L-Drac
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