Sacred Blood...A band that appeared a couple of years ago(in 2003)and their name is a testament for their music..Heavy Epic Metal to the bone that makes you travel in ancient times in the middle of historical battles!!!!The guitarist of the band Polideukis is telling us about the past and the future of this band!!
HC:Hello Polideukis would you like to tell me Sacred
Blood's Biography?
SACRED BLOOD were founded originally under the band
name SACRED, at December 2003 from Polydeykis
(guitars, keyboards, soprano recorder), and Faethon
(bass). The band quickly joined Aiantas (guitars) and
Tasos ( drums ) and a vocalist was found too, Nikos.
Polydeykis, Faethon and Nikos enter the studio with
the absence of Tasos, who could not make it for the
recordings, due to job difficulties.
With this line-up they record their first self
financed demo cd titled "Clash of The Titans" in the
home studio of the drummer of the Hellenic speed/power
heavy metal band "CRYSTAL TEARS", Chrisafis
Tantanozis. The demo included four tracks in the music
direction of heavy/power/epic metal and got some very
encouraging reviews from the underground heavy metal
scene. The band played also in 3 metal gigs that took
place in North Hellas (Komotini, Alexandroupolis),
which is where they originally come from. While the
band's name was still SACRED, a third guitarplayer
joined the band, and was found at the name of Manos
Moutaftsis (now at Dragon's Lair), an old friend and
metal brother. In the same time, a friend and brother
from Komotini, Sakis Karapanos, offered to sing in the
band's second appearance in Komotini, in Valhalla
metal club, covering the place of the singer Nikos,
who was having serious family matters at the time..
After the release of the demo, the band moved
permanently to Athens, and continued its activity
there but the vocalist Nikos got married and could not
keep up with the schedule of the band. The drummer of
the band, Tasos, also left for personal reasons. The
band was searching for a singer and audiotioned some
singers as well, when one day Polydeykis (guitars,
keyboards) received a phonecall from the current
singer and basic member of the band, Iason (John
Georgopoylos ex Airged L'amh), and from then on Iason
became a full time and basic member of the band. The
band also joined as a session drum player the well
know drummer George Karahalios (Ex Spitfire,
Snowblind, etc) to help with the recordings of the
album.The band started working on some ideas that
existed from long ago, and along with some new ones,
they composed 10 tracks that musically they are heavy
/ power / epic metal with some folk elements from the
Hellenic and Celtic music heritage and lyrically they
refer to the BATTLE OF THERMOPYLAE and the heroic
sacrifice of 300 Spartan and 700 Thespian warriors,
against 1.000.000 Persians, in an effort to remain
free. On Novermber 2005 Jim " The Animal" Stamatis
joins the band as permanent drummer offering his
furious drum playing to the SACRED BLOOD sound.
HC:.What had prompted you to play Heavy Metal at the
moment where thousands other groups were turned exclusively
to the new fashions as Nu Metal?
Well, everyone plays the music he likes...I happen to
like mostly heavy metal, so that's what I play..Nu
metal is not my way of approaching music, I used to
hate it, but now I simply ignore it..
HC:Who were and they will ever be your mainestInfluences?
Grave Digger, Running WIld, Accept, Manowar,
HC:What is the meaning of your name?(Sacred Blood)
By Sacred Blood we mean the holy blood, Ichor, that
according to our history was bestowed upon the first
Hellenes that walked this earth, who were created by
the Gods themselves..We want to stress out the
magnificence of the Hellenic history and tradition by
using this name
HC:You are one of a lot Heavy/Epic groups that use
liketheir greatest Influence the Ancient Hellas right?
Of course..
HC:Have your ever went to "Thermopilae" with the
imposing Statue of Leonidas?This place makes you
feel the presence of our Ancestors!!!
I have visited the place several times, and I totally
agree with you..The whole place, with the statues
symbolizing the river Eurotas and the Mountain
Taigetos just makes you shivering with awe about these
ancient monument of glory and might..
HC:Will you ever write songs about Scandinavic
Mythology?Scandinavic Mythology isas rich as the
Hellenic mythology with common things.
I have been very much into Scandinavian mythology, and
I have studied thoroughly I can say their sacred
texts, traditions and history..I have written some
song based on the nordic tradition for some other
projects in which I am involved, and these are

HC:You are ready for the realease of your firstalbum.
How long it took you for the recordings?
We have been through many difficulties with this
album..I donnot want to refer to them right now, but
the sure thing is that the record will be released
finally in autumn
HC:Are you satisfied from the final sound-result?
The final result, let me tell you, has nothing to be
jealous of other European bands...Visit our website
next week to listen to the new samples of the new
HC:What do you want to say to the Metalfans?
Donnot follow trends, just what your heart and blood
commands you!!!
Thanx for all brother! Take metal care!
Interview by L-Drac
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